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Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

The End Of Diversity As We Know It by Martin N. Davidson - Book review

The End of Diversity As We Know It

Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed

By: Martin N. Davidson

Published: November 14, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 264 pages
ISBN-10: 1605093432
ISBN-13: 978-1605093437
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"Differences are present - among employees, customers, suppliers, local communities, acquired or acquiring organizations, and governments. Success comes not from shying away from these differences, but from fiercely and skillfully capitalizing on them", writes associate professor of leadership and organizational behavior at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Martin N. Davidson realistic and eye opening book The End of Diversity As We Know It: Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed. The author describes how companies fail to properly incorporate diversity into their overall business plan, often do harm to the careers of those employees that their misguided diversity programs were meant to help, and miss out on the competitive advantage offered by embracing diversity.

Martin Davidson undestands that companies are serious and sincere in their diversity plans and programs. For the author, however, those diversity programs are ineffective, focus on the wrong things, and is all too often left to the Human Resources as a personnel management issue. Because of these shortcomings in how organizations address diversity, the end result is diversity is considered a problem instead of a solution that creates a competitive opportunity. Martin Davidson recommends that companies identify differences, including those that are not as immediately obvious as race, age, gender, and orientation. The author urges leaders to consider diversity not as a problem seeking a solution, but rather as both a solution and an opportunity for the organization.

Martin N. Davidson (photo left) recognizes that diversity goes beyond a narrow range of groups, whose differences are more superficial than real. Instead, the author demonstrates why the definition of diversity should be widened to include differences in ways of living, culture, economic background, and personal worldviews. To bring these additional aspects of diversity into the conversation and the overall organizational planning, Martin Davidson provides his advanced and statistically valid model Leveraging Difference™ initiative.

Instead of creating a merely superficial, and even raw numbers based model, the Leveraging Difference™ system considers a much wider and deeper consideration of diversity within the firm. The model challenges business leaders to consider the opportunities presented through the leveraging of strengths and advantages offered through a more complete understanding of diversity. The utilization of the Leveraging Difference™ model guides leaders though the following process:

* Seeing difference
* Understanding difference
* Engaging difference
* Becoming a Leveraging Difference™ organization

For me, the power of the book is how Martin N. Davidson combines a fresh approach to understanding the deeper meaning of diversity, with a real world based model of Leveraging Difference™ to transform diversity into a competitive advantage. The author redefines diversity, enriching the concept, and transforming it into a powerful source of opportunity for the organization. At its core, the book is one about leadership, and taking the initiative to change the way the company views diversity.

Instead of seeing only the most superficial of differences, Martin Davidson encourages leaders to delve more deeply into cultural and personality based diversity. He moves beyond training programs, arbitrary and problematic quotas, and legalistic thinking toward a vision of diversity as an integral part of an overall business plan. The author proposes a holistic and all encompassing view of diversity that treats it as an organizational strength With the Leveraging Difference™ model in place for leading the organization, the enhanced approach becomes a powerful force for creating a real competitive edge.

I highly recommend the transformational and results oriented book The End of Diversity As We Know It: Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed by Martin N. Davidson, to any business leaders who are seeking a clear competitive advantage through a more complete understanding of diversity in organizations. This book will change the way any company considers diversity, and how differences are leveraged within the overall enterprise.

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