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Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Power Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems by Bin Wu, Yongqiang Lang, Navid Zargari & Samir Kouro - Book review

Power Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems

By: Bin Wu, Ph.D., Yongqiang Lang, Ph.D., Navid Zargari, Ph.D., Samir Kouro, Ph.D.

Published: August 9, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 480 pages
ISBN-10: 0470593652
ISBN-13: 978-0470593653
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press

"Over the past two decades, a variety of wind power technologies have been developed, which have improved the conversion efficiency of and reduced the the costs for wind energy production write Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University (Canada), Bin Wu, Ph.D.; Senior Engineer in the State Grid Electric Power Research Institute (China), Yongqiang Lang, Ph.D.; engineer at Medium Voltage Business of Rockwell Automation Canada, Navid Zargari, Ph.D.; and research academic in the Electronics Engineering Department of Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile), Samir Kouro, Ph.D., in their authoritative and comprehensive book Power Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems. The authors describe leading edge power conversion and control of wind energy conversion systems (WESC) from the perspective of electrical engineering.

Bin Wu, Yongqiang Lang, Navid Zargari, and Samir Kouro provide a complete overview of the field of power conversion and wind energy control. The authors present a complete examination of wind generators, various system configurations, power converters, and control schemes and systems. The authors also provide an analysis of dynamic and steady state performance of various operating ind energy systems. In the most complete book of its type, on the topic of power conversion and control of wind energy conversion systems (WESC), the authors offer a review of wind energy system fundamentals, and an analysis of the standard and most widely utilized wind generators. The authors also cover the many power converters utilized in the conversion of wind energy; and the characteristics of the most important wind energy conversion systems (WESC).

Bin Wu (photo left), Yongqiang Lang, Navid Zargari, and Samir Kouro provide a logically ordered book that covers the critical areas of wind power generation, power conversion and the various wind energy conversion systems. Among the important WECS considered in the book are the fixed speed induction generator, the doubly fed induction generator, the variable speed squirrel cage induction generator, and the various synchronous generator based systems for wind energy.

The authors cover the important topics involved in both power conversion and control of wind energy systems. The areas considered include:

* Introduction to the overall wind energy generation and conversion systems
* Fundamentals of wind energy conversion system control
* Wind generators and modelling
* Power converters in wind energy conversion systems
* Wind energy system configurations
* Fixed-speed induction generator WECS
* Variable-speed systems with squirrel cage induction generators
* Doubly fed induction generator WECS
* Variable-speed wind energy systems with synchronous generators

For me, the power of the book is how Bin Wu, Yongqiang Lang, Navid Zargari, and Samir Kouro comine both the theoretical foundation of wind energy power conversion and control of wind energy conversion systems (WESC) with practical discussion and application of the principles involved. The major concepts are presented in a complete and will described format, making the book valuable for academics, practicing engineers and consultants, as well as for graduate and advanced undergraduate students.

The authors offer simulations and experiments to illustrate the principles, and provide a liberal application of charts, graphics, and tables to enrich overall understanding. Another strength of the book is the over thirty case studies of real world examples of the concepts in action. The book also contains over one hundred problems and solutions provided in the book's well designed and very useful appendix. Overall, this is an excellent book that is a landmark text and reference book on the subject material.

I highly recommend the essential and very in depth book Power Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems by Bin Wu, Ph.D., Yongqiang Lang, Ph.D., Navid Zargari, Ph.D., and Samir Kouro, Ph.D., to any academics, practicing engineers, consultants, electrical and energy industry executives, government policy makers, and graduate and senior undergraduate students seeking a complete and comprehensive reference textbook that covers all aspects of wind power conversion and control of wind energy conversion systems (WECS). This is a landmark book that is a must for anyone serious about the subject, and about the principles that underpin wind energy systems.

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Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Jo-Anne Vandermeulen: Internet Marketing Made Easy - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Marketer, BlogTalkRadio show host, and author of the very engaging and practical book Internet Marketing Made Easy, Jo-Anne Vandermeulen describes how to become successful at internet marketing by doing it the right way. Jo-Anne shares her strategies and techniques for building an effective and sustainable online marketing presence. Jo-Anne offers tips for becoming a better and more widely read blogger, and for engaging with others on social media. Jo-Anne offers suggestions for building an online platform, and for finding the time to complete all of your online activities. You will also discover how to locate and engage your ideal customers in your target market, and retain them as customers as well. Lean how to reach your online marketing goals, and become an effective and successful online marketer.

Jo-Anne Vandermeulen is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, March 1, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Marketer, BlogTalkRadio show host, and author of the very engaging and practical book Internet Marketing Made Easy, Jo-Anne Vandermeulen describes how to become successful at internet marketing by doing it the right way. You will learn:

* Why blogging is so important to online business success

* How to develop and maintain a successful blog and readership

* How find your ideal customer within your best target market

* How to build and develop that all important online platform

Jo-Anne Vandermeulen (photo left) graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a degree in Education and a major in English Literature. For 20 years, she enjoyed a full life raising her two daughters as a single mom and working as a full-time teacher. That left little time for fulfilling her lifelong dream of writing.

At the age of forty-two, Jo-Anne’s life drastically changed. She was diagnosed with a medical illness that sent her home from the classroom. Determined not to let this devastation ruin her life, she used the unplanned turn of events as an opportunity to fulfill her dream. In just seventeen days, Jo-Anne wrote her first novel, a story that was unbelievably self healing.

Since that time, Jo-Anne’s second book, a romantic thriller titled Conquer All Obstacles, has been published. She has welcomed her new career, the journey to publication, while developing an expertise in the promotional industry. Now having the time to pursue her writing and develop her goals, she has produced four completed novels in addition to the practical non-fiction resource, Internet Marketing Made Easy,, which was pre-requested by thousands of followers. Her previous book, Premium Promotional Tips for Writers, earned many 5-star reviews.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with marketer, BlogTalkRadio show host, and author of the very engaging and practical book Internet Marketing Made Easy, Jo-Anne Vandermeulen, as she describes how to become successful at internet marketing by doing it the right way. Jo-Anne shares her strategies and techniques for building an effective and sustainable online marketing presence. Jo-Anne offers tips for becoming a better and more widely read blogger, and for engaging with others on social media. Jo-Anne offers suggestions for building an online platform, and for finding the time to complete all of your online activities. You will also discover how to locate and engage your ideal customers in your target market, and retain them as customers as well. Lean how to reach your online marketing goals, and become an effective and successful online marketer

on Blog Business Success Radio.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Joseph Carswell: International Economic Development - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Visionary, strategic thinker, and entrepreneur Joseph Carswell describes economic development activities in West Africa. and North America. Joseph Carswell provides ideas for development for people in Africa, and those of African descent around the world. Joseph Carswell shares insights into development in North America, and how investment by African Americans will lead to a stronger sense of community and identity. That development, by people of African descent, helps economies grow both in Africa and in North America. He also provides some ideas for avoiding the mistakes of the past that caused unsustainable development to take place. Joseph Carswell also shares his ideas on strengthening the political power and influence of people of African descent regardless of where they live in the world. Joseph also offers some advice for real estate development as a booster of the economy.

Joseph Carswell is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, February 28, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Visionary, strategic thinker, and entrepreneur Joseph Carswell describes economic development activities in West Africa. and North America. Joseph Carswell provides ideas for development for people in Africa, and those of African descent around the world. You will learn:

* How to create more effective development in West Africa

* How to find economic opportunities in West Africa

* How to improve economic opportunities for African-Americans

* How people of African descent around the world can be more empowered

Joseph Carswell (photo left) is a Visionary, Strategic Thinker, and Motivator, are some of the words used to describe the Man that some call one of the Greatest Motivator’s on the planet, none other than Joseph Carswell. Mr. Carswell is a respected and noted Author, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Organization Builder, Scholar, Historian and Prophet of the Times we are living in. He has served People of African Descent in several area’s including Southeast Chairman of N’COBRA 1997-1999, CEO of The African-American Chamber of Commerce of North Florida 1995-1998, Minister/CEO of AFC World Development Center 1993-2000 and Chairman of the International African Development Association 2006-2009. Presently he is CEO of the African Development Chamber of Commerce, CEO of Capital Funding Partners and Minister of Embassy Kingdom Ministries.

His works have focused on Economic Development and Reparations for people of African Descent Worldwide. He also seeks to Educate and Unify Africans worldwide on securing Economic and Political Power wherever they may be in order to solidify our rightful place in the world. He has been featured on many radio and television stations such as 89.3FM, 1010AM, 1380AM in Atlanta, 103.7FM in Michigan, 91.9FM in Ghana as well as leading newspapers such as The Final Call, Black Free Press, Michigan Citizen,, just to name a few. He is available to speak at organizations, churches and businesses.

He is a 1995 graduate of Jacksonville Theological Seminary with degrees in Education, Theology and Psychology. He is a Native of Jacksonville, FL who has pioneered efforts in economic development including the 52 million dollar redevelopment project in Dyrkeville which was the oldest housing project in the South and created three business incubators. Present projects include developing a First Class Resort in the Volta Region in Ghana and Economic Development and Housing projects in Zimbabwe, Senegal, Namibia, Ivory Coast, and Gambia to include Housing, Agribusiness, Solar Energy, Water Purification and Bio-Diesel Production.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with visionary, strategic thinker, and entrepreneur Joseph Carswell describes economic development activities in West Africa. and North America. Joseph Carswell provides ideas for development for people in Africa, and those of African descent around the world. Joseph Carswell shares insights into development in North America, and how investment by African Americans will lead to a stronger sense of community and identity. That development, by people of African descent, helps economies grow both in Africa and in North America. He also provides some ideas for avoiding the mistakes of the past that caused unsustainable development to take place. Joseph Carswell also shares his ideas on strengthening the political power and influence of people of African descent regardless of where they live in the world. Joseph also offers some advice for real estate development as a booster of the economy on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Utopian Frontiers: A Story Of Hope by Drew Tapley - Fiction book review

Utopian Frontiers

A Story Of Hope

By: Drew Tapley

Published: October 13, 2011
Format: Paperback, 240 pages
ISBN-10: 1927005124
ISBN-13: 978-1927005125
Publisher: Burman Books, Inc.

Erwin and Beth Sharp, along with their teenaged son Lazer wander off from their canoeing trip, into a forest that they were warned was off limits to tourists, and enter into a secret city of possibilities and futuristic technology. The family are introduced to the grand social experiment conducted there, and its potential role in creating an alternate global society in the futuristic and visionary parable Utopian Frontiers: A Story Of Hope by Drew Tapley.

Drew Tapley addresses the challenges facing society in his utopian novel, offering a philosophical response to those seemingly overwhelming problems facing all of humanity. In the long literary tradition of utopian novels, the emphasis is on the ideas and less so on the characters. Indeed, the people who appear in the novel represent the archetypical types of individuals who ask questions, seek answers, and offer possible solutions. The aptly named Sharp family enters into the classic literary device of the enchanted forest, and awaken into a world vastly different from their previous experience. The plot device of the forest sleep provides not only a physical awakening, but also a psychological and philosophical awakening as well.

Drew Tapley (photo left) presents the critical modern theme of humanity and its relationship with technology. Along with the futuristic technology, the city offers an alternative economic system, and different societal relationships as well. Within this new world that the Sharp family find themselves, their original beliefs and convictions as to how the world works are turned completely upside down. The inquisitive travelers are introduced to the technological wonders of the hidden city, its marvels and its internal challenges, and are offered the option of joining the community.

The author doesn't present a perfect world, as much as one of possibilities and of hope. For many people, the technology found in the community will only intensify the person's sense of what futurist Alvin Toffler referred to as "future shock". That sense of technological and societal change happening too quickly for everyone to adapt, or even to accept, forms a crucial theme of the book. The community as presented is a huge leap into the future, and the technology has the potential to be very intrusive into people's lives.

The author doesn't shy away from the darker side of the community, and the shadow that exists within and outside of the city. As with any technology, the issue is more with how it's utilized by people, than of the technology itself. The city strives to create an ethical society where the social imperative becomes the guiding principle, and the darker side of vested interests, power, and priorities is kept in check. Within the city are forces that attempt to change the mission and goals of the community.

Drew Tapley offers an alternative view of what the future could look like; but not the only vision. The author presents a community where the goal is to provide an alternative to the current economic, social, and technological model. For the author, and by extension the residents and guides to the community itself, the vision is one where people are free to pursue what interests them, free from economic constraints, and to make choices based on the good of the overall population.

That vision as is made clear, is not the only one for the future of course. It may not appeal to everyone for various reasons, including the questions it raises about individual liberty and the common good. The importance of the novel is in the message of hope. The very idea that the current national and global systems are not the only possible world, is itself liberating whether the novel's vision is accepted or not. The novel creates the opportunity to think about alternatives and fresh new approaches to building a society.

I highly recommend the thought provoking and conversation generating novel Utopian Frontiers: A Story Of Hope by Drew Tapley, to anyone seeking a literary discussion of the challenges facing humanity, and of some possible solutions to those challenges. While the vision presented in the book may not be the right one for everyone, the very idea that our society is not the best of all possible worlds, is one that is worth discussion and reevaluation by all people.


About Utopian Frontiers Non-Profit Organization

UTOPIAN FRONTIERS FOUNDATION is a non profit organization dedicated to developing multi-media works intended to educate and provoke meaningful discourse on global environmental concerns – including the relationship between humankind and technology.
To educate and increase the public’s understanding of the environment and its importance by offering courses, seminars, conferences and meetings and by collecting
and disseminating information on that topic.

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Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

The Atmosphere and Ocean: A Physical Introduction, 3rd Edition by Neil C. Wells - Book review

The Atmosphere and Ocean

A Physical Introduction, 3rd Edition

By: Neil C. Wells

Published: January, 24, 2012
Format: Paperback, 424 pages
ISBN-10: 0470694688
ISBN-13: 978-0470694688
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

"It has been shown that surface topography and the shape and interlinkage of the ocean basins have a significant effect on the circulation of both the atmosphere and ocean. This, in turn, affects the biological productivity of the land and ocean", writes lecturer in the Oceanography department at Southampton University in ocean modeling, climate and sea air interaction, Neil C. Wells, in the revised and updated edition of his authoritative and accessible book The Atmosphere and Ocean: A Physical Introduction, 3rd Edition. The author describes the interaction between the Earth's atmosphere and the planet's oceans, as well as the interdependence between them.

Neil C. Wells recognizes that the Earth's oceans are interdependent with the planetary atmosphere. At the same time, the actions share common dynamics resulting from the Earth's rotation. Neil Wells presents the fundamental differences between the oceans and the atmosphere, resulting in a clearer understanding of both the ocean and the atmosphere. The author also guides the student toward a deeper recognition of the the interplay between the atmosphere above and the oceans below. The author provides a physical basis for the understanding of the interaction of ocean and atmosphere, and includes the latest research and observations of atmospheric and oceanic circulation.

Neil C. Wells (photo left) includes the latest developments and research findings in this updated edition. With many recent observations on the inter-relationship between ocean and atmosphere, these new findings enhance the value of the book. The emphasis remains on the interdependency of the atmosphere with the planet's oceans through their physical properties. The newest discoveries in atmospheric science are added by the author to the well understood scientific concepts underpinning the disciplines.

This revised and updated textbook contains new chapters as follows:

* Observed circulation of the atmosphere and ocean
* Energy flows in the ocean atmospheric system
* Models of the ocean and atmosphere
* The ocean atmosphere system and climate

For me, the power of the book is how Neil C. Wells has combined the well understood scientific principles underlying the study of ocean and atmosphere, with the latest observations of both the ocean and the atmosphere. The author presents the material in an accessible and logical format that will enhance the learning and understanding of the topics for undergraduate students. The presentation by Neil C. Wells will also boost the enthusiasm of students for the material and spur additional research and study in the area of ocean atmosphere and their impact on global climate.

Neil C. Wells focuses on the physical properties of the ocean and atmosphere both on earth and in relation to the Sun, as well as the influence of the Earth's rotation on the dynamics of the interrelationship between ocean and atmosphere. For enrichment of understanding, and for learning the material presented more deeply, each chapter contains problems for the students to work out the principles for themselves. The author provides numerous graphics in each chapter to further illustrate the principles presented in that section.

I highly recommend the comprehensive and readily understandable book The Atmosphere and Ocean: A Physical Introduction, 3rd Edition by Neil C. Wells, to any advanced undergraduate students in meteorology, climatology, oceanography, and earth sciences. The book is valuable as well as to any business leaders and public policy makers seeking an approachable book on the topic of the interdependency between the ocean and atmosphere. This book is an excellent and accessible textbook on the topic and should be given priority for anyone interested in learning and understanding the principles of the interrelationship between the planet's atmosphere and its oceans.

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Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

The End Of Diversity As We Know It by Martin N. Davidson - Book review

The End of Diversity As We Know It

Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed

By: Martin N. Davidson

Published: November 14, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 264 pages
ISBN-10: 1605093432
ISBN-13: 978-1605093437
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"Differences are present - among employees, customers, suppliers, local communities, acquired or acquiring organizations, and governments. Success comes not from shying away from these differences, but from fiercely and skillfully capitalizing on them", writes associate professor of leadership and organizational behavior at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Martin N. Davidson realistic and eye opening book The End of Diversity As We Know It: Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed. The author describes how companies fail to properly incorporate diversity into their overall business plan, often do harm to the careers of those employees that their misguided diversity programs were meant to help, and miss out on the competitive advantage offered by embracing diversity.

Martin Davidson undestands that companies are serious and sincere in their diversity plans and programs. For the author, however, those diversity programs are ineffective, focus on the wrong things, and is all too often left to the Human Resources as a personnel management issue. Because of these shortcomings in how organizations address diversity, the end result is diversity is considered a problem instead of a solution that creates a competitive opportunity. Martin Davidson recommends that companies identify differences, including those that are not as immediately obvious as race, age, gender, and orientation. The author urges leaders to consider diversity not as a problem seeking a solution, but rather as both a solution and an opportunity for the organization.

Martin N. Davidson (photo left) recognizes that diversity goes beyond a narrow range of groups, whose differences are more superficial than real. Instead, the author demonstrates why the definition of diversity should be widened to include differences in ways of living, culture, economic background, and personal worldviews. To bring these additional aspects of diversity into the conversation and the overall organizational planning, Martin Davidson provides his advanced and statistically valid model Leveraging Difference™ initiative.

Instead of creating a merely superficial, and even raw numbers based model, the Leveraging Difference™ system considers a much wider and deeper consideration of diversity within the firm. The model challenges business leaders to consider the opportunities presented through the leveraging of strengths and advantages offered through a more complete understanding of diversity. The utilization of the Leveraging Difference™ model guides leaders though the following process:

* Seeing difference
* Understanding difference
* Engaging difference
* Becoming a Leveraging Difference™ organization

For me, the power of the book is how Martin N. Davidson combines a fresh approach to understanding the deeper meaning of diversity, with a real world based model of Leveraging Difference™ to transform diversity into a competitive advantage. The author redefines diversity, enriching the concept, and transforming it into a powerful source of opportunity for the organization. At its core, the book is one about leadership, and taking the initiative to change the way the company views diversity.

Instead of seeing only the most superficial of differences, Martin Davidson encourages leaders to delve more deeply into cultural and personality based diversity. He moves beyond training programs, arbitrary and problematic quotas, and legalistic thinking toward a vision of diversity as an integral part of an overall business plan. The author proposes a holistic and all encompassing view of diversity that treats it as an organizational strength With the Leveraging Difference™ model in place for leading the organization, the enhanced approach becomes a powerful force for creating a real competitive edge.

I highly recommend the transformational and results oriented book The End of Diversity As We Know It: Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed by Martin N. Davidson, to any business leaders who are seeking a clear competitive advantage through a more complete understanding of diversity in organizations. This book will change the way any company considers diversity, and how differences are leveraged within the overall enterprise.

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Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Norman Birnbach: Media Trends 2012 - Interview

Public relations and media expert Norman Birnbach, President of Birnbach Communications, Inc., was kind enough to take the time to discuss media trends in 2012. He describes what is happening with television, newspapers, ebooks, publishing, and online media. He also shares a few surprising trends that will be appearing in 2012 as well. Norman also blogs at the popular and highly regarded public relations blog PR Back Talk.

Thanks to Norman Birnbach for his time, and for his intriguing forecasts in the fascinating fields of media and technology.

What was the background to creating the Top Tech, Business, Media Trends for 2012 Predictions report?

Norman Birnbach: Each year for the past 10 years, we've helped our clients develop their communications plans by identifying the trends we think will be important for the coming year. The idea is that clients have certain internal news and milestones and we try to connect those to larger trends that reporters, bloggers and others will be writing about. By putting clients' news into the context of business trends can help anticipate and generate coverage.

One of your findings was the desire to be connected around the clock 24/7 may change in 2012. Why do you say that?

Norman Birnbach: A while back, only the very wealthy could afford to be connected wherever they went – equipped with satellite phones while exploring the most remote locales. These days, teenagers are texting round the clock – or that’s what it feels like to their parents. The fact is we almost never have downtime anymore – I remember hearing a buzzing of someone’s smartphone while attending a funeral. And people are beginning to notice that’s not all good.

Being connected leads to the probability of being distracted on a 24/7 basis. We feel it’s so important to respond that some people text while driving or answer their smartphones while hiking. This lack of downtime may negatively impact our ability to concentrate and avoid distractions at work and at home. And being connected 24/7 isn’t making us happier. Even as we spend more time connecting to people via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest, we’re spending less time in person with people we care about.

Already a handful of companies have limited corporate email, both during the day and after hours – and we think more will join those ranks. We also think the concept of going on vacation without access to email or cell will become more of a status symbol because it now takes a lot of money to disconnect yourself from your regular workday.

You point out that more people may get rid of cable television. Why will more people cut the cord on cable?

Norman Birnbach: The cost of cable continues to increase, even though Congress passed a bill nearly 20 years ago to keep cable fees in line. The cost that content producers charge continues to climb -- to the extent that even cable operators, who pass along those costs to subscribers, are complaining. Part of the increase is from sports programming like ESPN. And part of the dissatisfaction is that subscribers can pay $1,200 per year to get cable service and still feel like there's nothing on that they want to watch. At the same time, we have new technologies available that provide for the first time alternatives to cable.

Amazon Prime,, Netflix and other new services are popping up offering television shows and movies at a cost that severely undercuts cable or satellite. One problem we've seen is that the experience is not seamless or easy yet. It still takes subscriptions to several different services along with several hardware purchase to give you access to content -- and you won't be able to get all that you may want, like local stations, or all current episodes of a show you want, etc. Still, consumers have a choice, a chance to cut the cable and avoid paying for what they don't want.

Norman Birnbach (photo left)

Media has been converging for at least a decade. Will that trend continue and in what ways?

Norman Birnbach: Yes it will. When you look at how the media – newspapers, TV news and radio – are adjusting to the Internet and to distributing their content via apps, it’s clear the lines among the media has blurred. It’s not just that more people access newspapers online without smudging their fingers with newsprint. It’s that newspaper reporters are more likely than ever to prepare video reports for the newspaper’s website and apps. And TV and radio reporters – who, the joke went, once only needed to know how to pronounce words, not spell them – are now typing up text articles to accompany their video, also available on their websites and apps.

And, of course, they’re all tweeting and blogging about the news they’re covering. So yes, expect more media convergence to the point that the specific media will stop being defined by the device on which we used to consume them. We’re no longer “taping” a “TV program” to watch later anymore because we’re not using tape of any kind – we’re recording it onto a DVR or downloading a show and watching it on a tablet.

E-books are the fastest growing segment in publishing. How will e-books evolve to maintain that growth momentum?

Norman Birnbach: E-books will evolve as the technology allows them to do more things – it has to do with convergence again. Already some publishers are working on combining video and other interactive features into their e-books to provide more value. With the growing capabilities of e-readers like the Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble’s Nook as well as iBook on the iPad, expect e-textbooks to include interactive exercises, and nonfiction e-books to include more video, photos, and audio. We also expect that fiction books will come packed with featurettes much the way DVDs are packaged, with video interviews with the author and interactive guides for book clubs.

We keep hearing dire forecasts that the press release is dead. Is that indeed the case?

Norman Birnbach: Not at all - the press release is alive and well, despite dire predictions to the contrary. It seems like everyday a different blogger gleefully declares something else has died -- PowerPoints, emails, in-person meetings, for example -- and most of those have been wrong. They may be imperfect, but we still use all those tools, including press releases, because they get the job done even as new forms for meeting and collaborating rise up. A lot of those new tools are imperfect, too, by the way, and need to evolve. I think we'll continue to see the press release evolve, but it won't die in the near term.

The reasons press releases continue to be useful is that, even in an age of social media and news by Tweets, press releases still provide more detail than tweets with a 140 characters can. Press releases are important also from an SEO perspective because new content on your website raises your site in searches. And new press releases also show that a company is still alive and active.

How will social media grow in relation to business to business or B2B marketing?

Norman Birnbach: We're seeing B2B clients -- who would have not even considered social media 18 months ago -- to be either seriously considering social media or already actively engaging in social media, via blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. That said, they are not focusing on Facebook to reach their customers.

B2B companies will recognize the need to generate their own multimedia content, and that there are active and engaged business consumers even for niche sectors. We expect that more B2B companies will consider increasing budgets to make engaging their targets through social media, thought leadership and lead generation their top marketing priorities. For example, one of our clients develops and sells an enterprise accounting software, which is as afar from a consumer product as you might imagine. But together we realized they had a lot of great content and insight, and that we couldn't just rely on traditional media to get out that information; so we helped them launch a blog and several Twitter feeds. The response has been tremendous inside and out.

Inside the company, the staff feels proud about the caliber of the content on the corporate blog. As the smallest part of a global conglomerate, our client is getting recognition as the social media leader among all of the company's geographies (including much larger country teams). Further, and more significantly, the client is engendering conversations with customers, influencers and prospects, raising awareness and generating leads.

What is the biggest surprise to most people that you are forecasting this year?

Norman Birnbach: People seem most surprised by the acknowledgement that more connectivity isn’t always good, that we need to take a break, and interact with the people around us. We’re not saying going off the grid, without electricity, is going to be mainstream. But we do think people are burning out from years of always being connected, and when we do talk to people about that, there’s an instant recognition from most people that it would be nice, every once in a while to be able to leave their homes without making sure they have their phone with them.

How have the trends for 2012 built on previous predictions to enhance them?

Norman Birnbach: There are several trends from 2011 that will continue to be significant this year, most of them connected.

· Cloud computing, which actually began in 2010, continues to go mainstream, driven by the need to access your data – content, files, music, etc. – no matter where you are and no matter what device you are using at that moment. There are times when you need to work on a document while standing in line and you need to pick up where you left off when you get back to your PC, for example – and cloud computing makes that happen without having to carry flash drives.

· The post-PC world – or the rise of the tablets. Again, this is a trend that began in 2010. The launch of the iPad has led to the post-PC concept – and to the ongoing battle of tablets. The first round went to the iPad, but so-called iPad Killers have not given up. Competitors still want to get into the action and capture some of the market share. From the media's perspective, it's a two-horse race between the Kindle Fire and iPad. We expect a third option to gain some traction, but the iPad will continue to dominate.

· Mobile, mobile, mobile – arguably the three most important tech trends in 2012, which of course began a year or two ago. People expect to be able to work and access information anywhere on any device (see cloud computing and the post-PC world). We expect to see more consumers adopt cashless payments, using their smartphones to pay for products and services.

· Social, social, social – also arguably the three most important tech trends this year. These days, it seems like everything you do can now be shared online. What you watch, what you read, what you listen to, what websites you visit – these can all easily be shared. But the impact of social goes beyond personal use. Enterprise technology is now informed by social media; we’re advising even our most serious B2B clients that their applications now need not only to have intuitive interfaces, they also must be accessible on iPads.

Which of your 2011 predictions was either too early or a bit off target?

Norman Birnbach: We overstated 2011 as being the Year of the app-based media subscription. We thought the ability to subscribe to a publication via an app versus the print edition would get more attention from the media and social media worlds because publishers still need to find a way to generate revenue from producing online and app-based content. There were some pricing battles between Apple and a few magazine and book publishers. And there are still a number of publications selling app-based subscriptions for a higher price than print subscriptions to the same publications.

And then there are some outlets that provide free online apps to print subscribers. There’s no consistent model, and we thought 2011 would bring clarity to subscription models and pricing, but I think we were too early on this one, but I don’t think we’re wrong about the need for some consistency in how publishers handle app-based subscriptions.

What is next for Norman Birnbach and Birnbach Communications in 2012?

Norman Birnbach: I’m looking forward to the possibility of cutting the cable cord this year, and to the possibility of actively breaking free from 24/7 connectivity. I think we all need some downtime and to reduce distractions that are rampant on our smartphones and tablets. From a business perspective, we love helping our clients take advantage of our insights and trends-spotting to accomplish their communications objectives – as well as to develop new services based on those insights and trends.

We developed new multimedia services in Q4 last year, and have some exciting case studies to offer up this year. So we expect to continue to evolve our practice and to help guide our clients as they navigate the converging media and social media worlds.

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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Esmonde Holowaty: Unleash The Billionaire Within - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Motivational speaker, coach, visionary, and author of the inspirational and wealth building mindset creating book Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination, Esmonde Holowaty describes how it is really possible for a person to become a billionaire. Esmonde shares his principles, and the wisdom of the ages, to help guide you on the road to attaining unimaginable wealth. Esmonde points out how people stand in the way of their own financial success at any level of wealth accumulation. Esmonde shows you how to change the way that you think about money, about wealth, and about abundance. Esmonde offers ideas for attracting wealth through helping others that goes against the usual way that wealth is considered. The author also demonstrates how to utilize your wealth to improve the world, as giving is the way to receiving; and not greed. Learn how to change the way you view money and wealth, and discover how to attract abundance to yourself.

Esmonde Holowaty is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, February 23, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Motivational speaker, coach, visionary, and author of the inspirational and wealth building mindset creating book Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination, Esmonde Holowaty describes how it is really possible for a person to become a billionaire. You will learn:

* What it really means to accumulate one billion dollars

* Why changing the way you think about money changes everything

* How to attract abundance to yourself through giving

( How to do good in the world with your accumulated wealth

Esmonde Holowaty (photo left) is a diligent student of success and human development. Esmonde is also and inventor/author of two books Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination and The Essential Secrets of Internet Successes and Failures.

Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination will be a ten book series so be sure to keep posted. Esmonde is training to become a certified coach and presently trains with one of Anthony Robbins’ top coaches who was recently at a coach-training event with Tony Robbins himself.
Esmonde plans to develop his coaching skills through events that he plans to hold in Edmonton AB, Vancouver BC and other welcoming local Canadian Cities. Esmonde has also attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University Program and will be attending a second time simply because it's just such an amazing program.

Esmonde's is the inventor of two inventions two of which one is nearing completion in its legal phases preparing for a ten-year utility patent. "With the right coach and vision anyone can go anywhere, they must only develop an insusceptible personality while keeping their passion and vision until their goal is reached; including the goal of becoming a billionaire." Quote by Esmonde Holowaty.

My book review of Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination by Esmonde Holowaty.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with motivational speaker, coach, visionary, and author of the inspirational and wealth building mindset creating book Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination, Esmonde Holowaty, as he describes how it is really possible for a person to become a billionaire. Esmonde shares his principles, and the wisdom of the ages, to help guide you on the road to attaining unimaginable wealth. Esmonde points out how people stand in the way of their own financial success at any level of wealth accumulation. Esmonde shows you how to change the way that you think about money, about wealth, and about abundance. Esmonde offers ideas for attracting wealth through helping others that goes against the usual way that wealth is considered. The author also demonstrates how to utilize your wealth to improve the world, as giving is the way to receiving; and not greed. Learn how to change the way you view money and wealth, and discover how to attract abundance to yourself on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Unleash The Billionaire Within by Esmonde Holowaty - Book review

Unleash The Billionaire Within

Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination

By: Esmonde Holowaty

Published: March 23, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 616 pages
ISBN-10: 1456735985
ISBN-13: 978-1456735982
Publisher: AuthorHouse

"Psychology plays a big part in the accumulation of money. If we believe that having money is bad, we obviously won't want to accumulate a billion dollars,either consciously or subconsciously", writes coach and motivational speaker Esmonde Holowaty, in his inspirational and wealth building mindset creating book Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination. The author presents the wisdom of innovators, creative people, and wealthy individuals on changing the way a person views wealth and success as the key to accumulating a billion dollars.

Esmonde Holowaty understands that the main roadblock to people achieving wealth and success in life is their own negative way of thinking about money. The author writes that the seemingly impossible goal of obtaining one billion dollars in wealth is not only possible, but is a goal that can be reached by anyone. For Esmonde Holowaty, a person must first visualize the concept and the reality of one billion dollars. From that moment onward, that goal must be an unmovable target, that will result in what were previously unimaginable wealth. The author points out, however, that the first step is one of a complete change in one's mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance.

Esmonde Holowaty (photo left) recommends a different mode of thought that requires a transformation from thinking in terms of greed for oneself to one of helping all of humanity. Rewards don't arrive from seeking them. They are the result of taking care of the needs of others. The goal also guides the individual away from bad associations with harmful people to those individuals and groups who seek to better the lives of others. Instead of thinking of the needs of the self, paradoxically, thinking of the value to others is the road to the billion dollar attainment.

Esmonde Holowaty divides his book into a series of chapters that not only offer his concepts of wealth, but also contain the wisdom of successful people throughout history. The chapters include:

* One billion dollars - A reality not just a dream
* The rewards of an immovable goal of one billion dollars
* Thinking in a way that attracts abundant riches
* Wealth beyond imagination : Why it's attainable
* Keeping the wealth once it's attained
* he good that can be done with one billion dollars

For me, the power of the book is how Esmonde Holowaty provides his principles and practices for attaining one billion dollars in wealth. The author offers a theoretical outline of his wealth attraction concepts, a series of photographs for visualizing wealth, and a self assessment guide and workbook for setting one's own goals. The photographs demonstrate the author's support of visualization, providing examples of the concept in action.

The quotations and wisdom shared with the inclusion of the thought of contemporary and historical individuals, adds timeless depth to the author's principles. The emphasis on achieving wealth through helping others, and then using that obtained wealth to further help humanity, is a really powerful message that demonstrates that helping others helps everyone succeed.

I highly recommend the wealth building and worldview altering book Unleash The Billionaire Within: Learn the Mastermind Principles for Acquiring Wealth Beyond Imagination by Esmonde Holowanty, to anyone seeking a road map for navigating the journey toward the goal of amassing one billion dollars. This book will help you visualize that goal, and guide you toward its successful attainment.

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Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Dollars & Uncommon Sense by Steve Repak, CFP® - Book review

Dollars & Uncommon Sense

Basic Training for Your Money

By: Steve Repak, CFP®

Published: January 2, 2012
Format: Paperback, 166 pages
ISBN-10: 0983901104
ISBN-13: 978-0983901105
Publisher: RFS Publishing

"The basic principles for building wealth have been available to you for years. The key to being able to use them effectively is changing the way you think about money. From now on, you will no longer use common sense when making financial decisions but start using uncommon sense", writes Army veteran, motivational speaker, consultant, and a principal at Repak Financial Services, Steve Repak, CFP®, in his straight talking and wealth building book Dollars & Uncommon Sense: Basic Training for Your Money. The author describes how to start thinking differently about money, which leads to doing things differently with money, which he calls practicing uncommon sense about money and wealth.

Steve Repak recognizes that there is no magic formula for building wealth. The author points out, however, that one of the overarching difficulties for most people is developing and practicing successful habits of thinking. Steve Repak demonstrates that wealthy people think about money in a very different way than those who lack wealth. For most people, the problems with money arise from not maintaining control over their spending, or from having too much consumer and credit card debt. At the same time, the author writes that the average person is overwhelmed by the technical terms and jargon involved in the investing of money. Steve Repak prepares the reader to think and behave differently about money, so as to be prepared in the event of another financial crisis.

Steve Repak (photo left) understands that the best approach to creating a healthier financial situation for oneself is think and act differently with money. Utilizing his military experiences as an analogy, the author puts the would be wealth builder through a basic training course that transforms instructions into a reflex action. In this case, the more closely that the author's advice is followed, the better off a person will be regarding their personal finances. The book is about changing the way a person thinks about money.

To achieve that alteration of financial worldview, Steve Repak puts the reader through his form of money boot camp. To illustrate his concept of changing patterns of thinking about money, Steve Repak presents what he calls the Six Key Traits of Wealth Builders. These six traits are as follows:

* They spend less money than they make
* They have little or no debt
* They save
* They plan long term for their money
* They make reasoned financial decisions not based on emotions
* They start their savings plans and goals early

For me, the power of the book is how Steve Repak presents an easy to follow, and very hands on approach to personal finance. Recognizing that for most people, the main thing holding them back is their own mode of thinking about money, the author addresses that challenge from the very beginning of the book. Without the thought process being changed, nothing else in the way of money management will be altered either. Steve Repak sets out a series of principles, priorities, and plans that are easy to understand and to follow.

The author avoids the all too frequently encountered technical terminology that only serves to confuse most people. Instead, Steve Repak offers straight forward information and easy to follow numbers, that encourage the reader to look more deeply into their own personal finances. Overall, Steve Repak provides an excellent personal finances primer that anyone can follow and understand, leading to a change in thinking and a dramatic increase in their net worth.

I highly recommend the results oriented and no nonsense book Dollars & Uncommon Sense: Basic Training for Your Money by Steve Repak, CFP®, to anyone seeking a real world based book on personal finance that will lead to actual changes in thinking and behaving with money. This book will change how you think about money, how you act with your money, and build your overall personal wealth as never before.

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Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Margaret Morford: The Hidden Language Of Business - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Consultant, trainer, CEO of The HR Edge, Inc., and author of the very practical and career changing book The Hidden Language of Business: Workplace Politics, Power & Influence, Margaret Morford, describes how to understand and master the real skills that are essential for advancing in a career. Margaret Morford shares what she calls the hidden language of business in the form of positive political skills. Margaret points out that understanding office politics is important, but she is not referring to the type of unethical, vicious and counterproductive politics that too many people still practice. She recommends a more empowering for everyone form of politics that is ethical, positive and nurturing of others. In today's economy, it is more important than ever to understand the value of positive political empowerment. Learn such valuable career builders as how to find a suitable mentor, developing a positive rapport with any boss, and create a positive career plan.

Margaret Morford is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, February 21, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Consultant, trainer, CEO of The HR Edge, and author of the very practical and career changing book The Hidden Language of Business: Workplace Politics, Power & Influence, Margaret Morford, describes how to understand and master the real skills that are essential for advancing in a career. You will learn:

* What office politics really means in an organization

* Why practicing ethical office politics is a good idea

* How to positively to connect and gain rapport with your boss

* How to collaborate better with peers and team members

Margaret Morford (photo left) is president of The HR Edge, Inc.. Her clients include Lockheed Martin, Homeland Security, Chevron, Time Warner, U.S. Secret Service, Sara Lee Foods, Home and Garden Television, Roche, and Nationwide Insurance. She has a BS degree from the University of Alabama and a JD degree from the Vanderbilt University School of Law. She has worked as an attorney, specializing in employment law as well as been Vice President of Human Resources for three large companies.

She serves on the Board of Directors for Aegis Sciences Corporation. She is often quoted as a business expert in newspapers and magazines including Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today and Entrepreneur and appears regularly as a guest on television and radio. She is the author of the business books, “Management Courage – Having the Heart of a Lion” and The Hidden Language of Business: Workplace Politics, Power & Influence.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with consultant, trainer, CEO of The HR Edge, Inc., and author of the very practical and career changing book The Hidden Language of Business: Workplace Politics, Power & Influence, Margaret Morford, as she describes how to understand and master the real skills that are essential for advancing in a career. Margaret Morford shares what she calls the hidden language of business in the form of positive political skills.

Margaret points out that understanding office politics is important, but she is not referring to the type of unethical, vicious and counterproductive politics that too many people still practice. She recommends a more empowering for everyone form of politics that is ethical, positive and nurturing of others. In today's economy, it is more important than ever to understand the value of positive political empowerment. Learn such valuable career builders as how to find a suitable mentor, developing a positive rapport with any boss, and create a positive career plan on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Zero Stress Selling by Sue Kasson - Book review

Zero Stress Selling

7 No-Fail Strategies to Lose Your Stress Now

By: Sue Kasson

Published: December 19, 2011
Format: Paperback, 110 pages
ISBN-10: 0984847936
ISBN-13: 978-0984847938
Publisher: Sue Kasson LLC

"Our journey together towards your thriving, full and successful practice will be simple yet practical - 5 no-fail strategies to help you achieve your goal of filling your practice with your ideal clients", writes specialist in helping business owners get more clients, Sue Kasson in your concise and results oriented book Zero Stress Selling: 7 No-Fail Strategies to Lose Your Stress Now. The author describes her five proven techniques for creating what she calls a Zero Stress Sales System, along with some handy tips for achieving success with the system in any type of practice.

Sue Kasson recognizes that many professional practices are already doing well at discovering and landing new clients. The author points out, however, that the entire process can be made less stressful and time consuming through the application of a proven and effective system. While the current marketing approach may be working, a system will improve sales results more quickly and much more profitably. Sue Kasson demonstrates how to set up the Zero Stress Sales System that not only attracts more customers, but also focuses on building long term relationships with the ideal customer for the practice.

Sue Kasson (photo left) understands that concentrating on the five most important sales and marketing activities will yield the highest revenue and profit. The author offers her five targeted strategies that are not only inexpensive, or even free, but are highly effective as well. For Sue Kasson, the key to the Zero Stress Sales System is a well designed website, complete with a blog.

With this major strategic component in place, the author then expands her advice to encompass all five of the Zero Stress Sales System strategies for success. With the proven advice offered by the author, more ideal customers will begin their relationship with the practice, freeing time for providing better service to the customers.

For me, the power of the book is how Sue Kasson offers a proven system for attracting the most desirable customers and clients to the practice. All too often, the emphasis is placed on simply selling to anyone who qualifies as a buyer. That approach creates stress in the business person from selling to less than ideal clients. At the same time, the non-ideal customer is less likely to establish a long term relationship with the practice.

Sue Kasson's concepts remove this unnecessary stress, making the business relationship more pleasurable and also more mutually beneficial for everyone. The book is very engaging and user friendly, with the strategies set out in easy to understand and follow chapters. Overall, this book will boost the cash flow and profitability of any business that follows the Zero Stress Sales System strategies.

I highly recommend the very practical and profit building book Zero Stress Selling: 7 No-Fail Strategies to Lose Your Stress Now by Sue Kasson, to any business owner or professional practice that is seeking an effective and simple to apply system for attracting the ideal customer to the practice. This book takes the guess work out of building an ideal clientele, and creates the time for strengthening the bonds with those ideal customers.


If you enjoyed these tips about article marketing and would like more practical sales and marketing strategies, visit Zero Stress Selling today. Sue Kasson is known for her relaxed and authentic customized client enrollment and sales conversion training.

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Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Spacecraft Systems Engineering, 4th Edition - Edited by Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd & John Spark - Book review

Spacecraft Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition

Edited by: Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, John Stark

Published: September 27, 2011
Format: Hardcover: 724 pages
ISBN-10: 047075012X
ISBN-13: 978-0470750124
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

"This book is concerned with spacecraft systems. The variety of types and shapes of these systems is extremely wide. When considering spacecraft, it is convenient to subdivide them into functional elements", write editors Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, and John Stark in the revised and updated edition of their definitive and comprehensive book Spacecraft Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition. The editors provide a complete overview, with contributions from leading experts, of the design and application of spacecraft over a wide range of space missions and space science.

Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, and John Stark offer a series of essays, written by recognized authorities, that examine the front end system level issues surrounding spacecraft engineering. These systems issues include the space environment, mission analysis, and overall system engineering principles. The contributors also present subsystem elements that form the basis of design and implementation of spacecraft. These core elements include the mechanical, electrical, and thermal attributes, along with propulsion and control systems. The editors emphasize the interrelationship between each of these diverse elements, as they form the context of the spacecraft design process.

Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, and John Stark offer a systems approach to spacecraft engineering. The chapters divide the overall system into subsystems, creating an integrated process. The spacecraft itself, composed of subsystems, is also part of a larger overall system. With this framework in place, the editors bring together the various subsystems into a complete systems overview.

The book covers the following general areas, in a comprehensive overview of the entire systems process:

* The space environment
* Propulsion and launch vehicles
* Spacecraft design
* Spacecraft subsystems
* Telemetry, communications, and command
* Ground based systems
* Spacecraft assembly
* Product assurance
* Spacecraft system engineering

For me, the power of the book is how Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, and John Stark presents a series of very high quality articles that cover the technical aspects of designing, developing, and implementing a complete spacecraft system. The contributors cover each step in the overall process of applying a front end system level issues to complete and fully integrated spacecraft systems.

The wide range of disciplines and concepts, as well as the essential equations and space science, combine to make this a landmark book for students, faculty, or practicing space engineers and scientists. The book also offers real value to business leaders in all aspects of space related engineering, insurance, and finance.

I highly recommend the fantastic and landmark book Spacecraft Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition edited by Peter Fortescue, Graham Swinerd, and John Stark, to any graduate and undergraduate students, engineering and science faculty members, professional engineers, space scientists, business leaders, and government policy makers who are serious about the design, manufacturing, and implementation of complete spacecraft systems. This book provides not only the basics of fully integrated spacecraft systems, but the advanced knowledge required to implement a complete spectrum of space mission applications as well.

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